The main telescope at the Union College Observatory is a 20" (0.5m) Ritchey-Chretien Reflector from Optical Guidance Systems (OGS). It is housed in a 14' Ash Dome on the roof of the Olin Science Center. We have an SBIG STXL 11002 CCD camera (4008x2672 9u pixels), with guiding, 8-slot (2" round) filter wheel and AO-X adaptive optics unit. The FOV in the STXL is 6 times as large (the axes being 2 and 3 times that dimension, as the chip is rectangular) as we had in the previous AP7 camera. For planetary work, we have two video cameras with CMOS detectors: an Orion StarShoot Planetary Imager & Autoguider, and an Imaging Source B&W camera.
The observatory is controlled by TheSky X Pro including Bisque TCS. The CCD is operated with The SkyX Camera add-on software, with pointing directly from TSX. A new RoboFocus motor controls focusing by moving the secondary mirror, and can be accessed using the RoboFocus software or directly by the Sky X. A 2" focuser is used for visual observing and mounting Nikon DSLRs. Once images are obtained, they are processed using AstroImageJ.
Union College also operates a rooftop Very Small Radio Telescope ("VSRT", a single dish) and a VSRTI table-top radio interferometer. These telescopes are regularly used by students of the AST 240 Radio Astronomy course.
We have retired some instruments but list them here for historical reference. having retired our previous CCDs: Apogee AP7 (511x512 24 u pixels, back-illuminated) and an AP8 (1024x1024 24u pixels). The field of view in the AP7 was about 10' with 1.2" pixels. We also have an optomechanics 10c spectrograph, normally combined with the AP7 camera. Our old, Comsoft control equipment was working when we recently retired it, and may be available to another interested college.